Brennan’s Buddies® © 2012
On March 19, 2011, our lives changed forever. It was any other day, we were preparing lunch, and Allison came up to me and said "Mommy, my throat hurts". I felt her neck, and found a golfball-sized lymph node. I knew right away something was wrong. Allison was diagnosed with Stage IV high-risk Neuroblastoma, undifferentiated with unfavorable histology on March 24, 2011. We are currently in treatment on the COG protocol. We believe with all of our hearts that Allie will BEAT THIS CANCER!
Allison’s story
Just a little update on Allison
Allison has scans today 4/16
Please help up pray for clear scans again!
And on April 30th she will be turning 5!
Go to her facebook page and tell her
“What did YOU do today? Today, I wiped my daughter's tears as she fought the pain of mucousitis. I held her bucket as she vomited blood. I covered her with a blanket when she fell asleep on her commode because her tummy hurts so bad she didn't want to move. I watched with horror as her heart rate climbed over 200 on more than one occasion. I watch her oxygen level dip on the monitor. Soon I will have to give her a painful shot. I look at the machine she is hooked to that gives her body nutrition since she hasn't eaten or drank a thing in a whole week. That machine also has given her 5 platelet transfusions and 1 blood transfusion in this past week. It has given her 4 different antibiotics, an antifungal, an antiviral, different minerals that her body needs, and several nausea meds. I watch as every day for the past week, the pump that delivers morphine to her little body increases more and more. This is my life as a mother of a child with cancer. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, although you probably haven't heard that anywhere but here. If you are a parent, everything I just said probably horrifies you, as it should. You probably try to ignore listening to it, because the truth is, it's hard to hear. But Childhood Cancer doesn't discriminate, this could happen to ANYONE's child. With more funding, more treatment options and maybe even a cure could become available! I ask you all to do something, ANYTHING, to become more child-cancer aware! Even if it is as simple as browsing a cancer website. My life will never be the same because of Allison's fight with Neuroblastoma, and I will NEVER quit spreading awareness! Some great websites are: There are SO many more, I could never name them all. Please, do your part, raise awareness!”
All this is so very true. I’ve seen it and been there with my grandson Brennan. It hurts your heart to see them suffer through the effects of chemo and other drugs in hopes of bringing them in to remission or just keep them alive just a little longer till the next better trial comes along. I know it’s not a “common” as other adult cancers, but these are OUR children. If they had just half of the exposure as Breast cancer awareness does I believe there would be better chemo and other drugs geared to kids that would be easier on their small bodies, and early detection which WILL save many lives.
This was written by Allison’s mom
I thought it needed to be read by as many people as possible, it’s the daily reality of childhood cancer